Whiskey making is an ancient tradition reliant on the ingredients of our natural ecosystem. At Slane Distillery we’re committed to preserving this tradition and protecting the future through trailblazing technologies like carbon capture, renewable biogas and biodiversity conservation.

The Rain In Slane

We get a lot of rain in Ireland, and here at Slane we love it; because Slane Irish Whiskey gets a lot of use from it. We catch, collect and treat rainwater to be used as process water. Reusing rainwater in this way reduces our dependence on the Boyne River.

Slane Irish Whiskey Grains

Time Well Spent

Through our distillation process, grain and yeast by-products called spent-grain accumulate. We take the time to collect this for local dairy farmers, who use the by-product as animal feed.

Trailblazing Technology

We’re utilising the latest innovations to make sure Slane Irish Whiskey is as sustainable and regenerative as can be. Integrated within the distillery design is an anaerobic digester which converts distillation by-product into biogas. Once commissioned this trailblazing technology will significantly reduce emissions and recreate reusable fertiliser and treated water.

Rushing Water

Respect and Protect

From the rushing rapids of the river Boyne beneath us to the majestic woodlands that surround us, our distillery lives among nature. That’s why at Slane Irish Whiskey we respect the habitat we are a part of, and do everything to protect it. From the construction of a fish ladder allowing Atlantic Salmon during spawning season safe passage, to installing nesting boxes for bats and barn owls within our historical buildings and planting wild bird covers and woodlands around our barley fields, Slane Irish Whiskey nurtures the natural habitat we belong to.

Ireland Is Our Land

Protecting our beautiful land is the only way we can protect our business, because from the rushing river rapids to the blooming barley we depend on our land. That’s why Slane Irish whiskey aims to become a zero waste and carbon neutral distillery; and we have committed to participating in Ireland’s Origin Green. A sustainability programme which includes an ambition to achieve ISO 14001 certification, a first for a Brown-Forman production site. 

Whiskey making is an ancient craft that was perfected in Ireland. For centuries, methods were handed down and improved upon so well that this local pastime eventually became a global business. Various events drove it to become all but a lost art, but now it has found a new home by the banks of the River Boyne, a mythical land steeped in the history of Ireland.